dutree v2.5 [27 Aug 2024] by Dominic
GNU/Linux command-line program which shows a tree-style list of files and directories at the specified location but only showing directories and files greater than a specified size (default 1GB).
The purpose is to identify how storage space is being used and where it might be being wasted. dutree.sh make it easy to focus on the big space hogs.
dutree.sh [options] /mydir/mysubdir [size]
where (optional) size can be:
T - for >1TB
F - for >10GB
G or missing - for >1GB
H - for >100MB
N - for >10MB
M - for >1MB
K - for >1KB
-h - show help and exit
-l - show changelog and exit
-n - suppress header
-x - ignore files/directories in a different filesystem
-X 'dir' - ignore files/directories that start with directory 'dir'
Example Output
You can see an example of dutree.sh's output at https://www.timedicer.co.uk/dutree.jpg
awk basename bash du fold grep sort stty
Copyright © 2024 Dominic Raferd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
(note that very minor changes may occur between releases listed here e.g. v2.4.1)
2.5 [27 Aug 2024] - add -X option
2.4 [11 Jan 2023] - rename -q option as -n
2.3 [08 Jul 2020] - add quiet option
2.2 [11 Mar 2015] - bugfix deletion of temporary files
2.1 [28 Dec 2014] - bugfix for names containing %
2.0 [28 Oct 2014] - improved layout
1.9 [14 Oct 2014] - add -x option
1.8 [03 Apr 2014] - use /tmp instead of /var/tmp
1.7 [01 Nov 2013] - exclude /proc
1.6 [07 Nov 2012] - fix layout if location does not start with slash
1.5 [14 Aug 2012] - add F option for >10GB
1.4 [13 Aug 2012] - show help if no location is specified
1.3 [24 Jul 2012] - bugfix - prevent abort message if no files big enough found
1.2 [30 May 2012] - bugfix - was broken when run w/o specifying a size parameter, also added a link in help text to some example output
1.1 [02 May 2012] - add more options, add help/changelog, directories now shown with trailing slash
1.0 [01 May 2012] - initial release
Download dutree.sh
I have provided this software free gratis and for nothing. If you would like to thank me with a contribution, please let me know and I will send you a link. Thank you!
My Other Sites
- TimeDicer - Onsite/offsite data backup for Windows (uses rdiff-backup)
- Finding a 4D Backup Solution
- Web Scraping How To - extracting data from web sites
My Programs
Here is a selection of some (other) programs I have written, most of which run under GNU/Linux from the command line (CLI), are freely available and can be obtained by clicking on the links. Dependencies are shown and while in most cases written and tested on an x86-based Linux server, they should run on a Raspberry Pi, and many can run under Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or Cygwin. Email me if you have problems or questions, or if you think I could help with a programming requirement.
Backup Utilities
- TimeDicer - Onsite/offsite data backup for Windows (uses rdiff-backup) [ GNU/Linux & MS Windows©: 2008-20 ]
- rdiff-backup-regress - GNU/Linux script to regress an rdiff-backup archive. [ GNU/Linux: 2012-24 ]
Debian/Ubuntu kernel and LVM Utilities
- kernel-remove - GNU/Linux script to list the installed GNU/Linux kernels in a Debian-based distro (e.g. Ubuntu), and can be used to remove an unwanted kernel and related packages, updating grub appropriately. [ GNU/Linux-Debian/Ubuntu: 2010-24 ]
- lvm-usage - GNU/Linux script to show available disk space and how it is used; run as cron job to warn if usage is above a set percentage. Provides additional information if LVM is in use. [ GNU/Linux: 2012-24 ]
- lvm-delete-snapshot - GNU/Linux script to remove LVM snapshot that has been left over by another process. [ GNU/Linux: 2012-21 ]
- netnames - GNU/Linux script shows current name, biosdevname and 'predictable name' of network device - helps with network device name scheme migration. [ GNU/Linux-Debian/Ubuntu: 2020-20 ]
- lv-convert2cache - GNU/Linux script to convert an existing LV into a cache LV using a smaller faster device as a cache. [ GNU/Linux: 2022-25 ]
Miscellaneous Programs
- sleepwalker - Windows© program which can be run from a remote machine to 'wake up' a Windows© machine behind a router, wait for it to start and then initiate Remote Desktop session. [MS Windows©: 2008-22]
- numliststat - GNU/Linux program giving statistical value(s) for a piped-in list of numbers. [ GNU/Linux: 2022-24 ]
- relay-enforcer - GNU/Linux program enabling a postfix-based mail server relaying to Gmail to act on reports from Gmail about blocked emails. [ GNU/Linux: 2016-25 ]
- pdf-compress - GNU/Linux program to create smaller b/w pdf file from an original large pdf file, especially when original resulted from scanning. [ GNU/Linux: 2016-24 ]
- tiny-device-monitor - GNU/Linux program to test webpages (including password-protected) or machines to check they are live; use as a cron job for your own websites, for hardware presenting a webpage, or for any machines with a presence on your local LAN or on the internet. [ GNU/Linux: 2009-24 ]
- form-extractor - GNU/Linux program to extract form tags from a web page or downloaded file. [ GNU/Linux: 2012-24 ]
- mythic-dns-sync - GNU/Linux program to update DNS record at mythic-beasts.com to match local external ip. [ GNU/Linux: 2016-23 ]
- saynoto0870 - For UK, a GNU/Linux script which performs automated lookup of the www.saynoto0870.com database, finding cheap or free geographic number replacements for expensive non-geographic (087* or 084*) numbers. [ GNU/Linux: 2012-12 ]
- bind9-resolved-switch - GNU/Linux program for switching permanently between using bind9 or systemd-resolved as the system DNS resolver. [ GNU/Linux: 2016-24 ]
- unlock - GNU/Linux remote program for easy entering of decrypt passphrase on a remote machine which has root dm-crypt+LUKS. [ GNU/Linux: 2017-18 ]
- wifi-updown - GNU/Linux program to take down wifi interface if there is a working wired interface (or restore wifi if not). [ GNU/Linux: 2018-25 ]
- routefix - GNU/Linux program to restore a default ip traffic route if there is none such (e.g. after running wifi-updown). [ GNU/Linux: 2018-23 ]
- Accounts - Multi-business multi-currency accounting software, uses Access [MS Windows©: 1996-2024]
- Rents Program - Residential lettings/landlord front office program, with many special features for UK market [MS Windows©: 1991-2024]
This section is closed. If you have a question, please submit it by email, thank you.